I live in Toronto, CBC is on Rogers cable channel 6.
My sound on this channel is intermittent.
Sometimes it records sound, sometimes it doesn't.
All other channels ALWAYS give sound (okay 99% of the time)

My system has 2 Hauppauge 250 cards, of different vintages (on e new,
one old bought off ebay.

I don't think I have been able to figure out if the non-sound only
happens one of the cards or not. I know I tried forcing CBC to tape on
each card, and I think the problem persisted.

What is frustrating (especially to my wife,) is that I'll tape 2
Coronation Street episodes back to back on CBC (i.e. 30 minutes at
7pm, and then 30 minutes at 7:30pm) and the 2nd one will have no sound
while the first one had sound.
(in this case, only 1 card was recording at 7pm but both cards were
recording at 730..i.e. coronation on 6 + jeopardy on 8)

I have just graduated from Fedora core 2, with older ivtv drivers, and
am now Fedora core 3 with brand new (7124?) ivtv drivers. I'm hoping
this problem will no longer happen.... will let you know... ANdrew

PS this is the first thread I saw which mentioned my specific "channel
6" no sound problem.... interesting!

On 5/18/05, Chris Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>    Anyone living in the GTA?  I've got my myth setup working awesome
> with one small problem, CBC (channel 6 on cogeco in Oakville) doesn't
> seem to record audio.  Anyone else in the area with the same problem
> (and hopefully a fix :)
> Chris
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Andrew Nash, Toronto
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