On Wednesday 18 May 2005 21:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I used Jared's guide for FC3.  But then I found out all sorts of little
> issues with FC3 that affected me...  Like the fact that the ENTER key
> didn't work for MYTHSETUP (and the frontend too!)

And a search of the list reveals that a control-enter gets around that. Or a 
downgrade of Qt.

> And the HDTV drivers 
> didn't work on that version of the kernel, etc...

Uh.... What? Gee, I should stop using that kernel with this... Oh wait, fully 
working HD3000... (and HD2000, and previously an Air2PC, which is now in 
xris's possesion). :-)

> I searched gossamer 
> and found that the enter-key bug could be fixed by downgrading 'qt' --
> But I couldn't downgrade 'qt' because of other dependencies...

Such as? I believe there are all of 3 packages that one has to downgrade. I 
had no problems doing a downgrade at one point myself. I believe I've also 
posted to the list how to do it...

> So by 
> now I was starting to get a bit peeved -- This was getting
> rediculous...  I searched the gossamer threads and seemed to determine
> that FC3 was a bad choice for me -- more so because of the HDTV drivers
> than anything else.

Again, I'm not sure what you're talking about, because I just set up a box for 
a friend with an HD3k, and it works just fine.

> So I started over AGAIN, this time with FC2.  But now half the commands
> in the FC2 guide didn't work by doing a simple cut and paste (like they
> did a couple of months ago) because many of the packages referenced in
> the guide are not available anymore (obsolete versions?).

Stuff changes rapidly, yes, likely obsoleted versions. Haven't updated the FC2 
version in months (and won't ever).

> So I did my 
> best to find the new versions of the packages and kept my fingers
> crossed that things would be OK in the end.

Should be.

> Well, things looked like they were going fine, until I tried the test
> video capture on my PVR-x50 cards.  All I get is a green screen and no
> audio.  No matter which card I use, or if I use the perl tuner app or
> not...  No such luck.  Searching the gossamer myth threads, it appears
> that at least one message seemed to say that it was the xvid driver
> issue, while another claimed a V4L issue.  But being pretty new to
> Linux, I haven't got a clue on how to do anything about it.  (The
> messages did not specifically describe how to fix it, it just stated
> that it was an issue with xvid or v4l)

You do exactly what it says to do in my doc: you take it to the ivtv list, 
with log output.

> btw: I am NOT a computer novice -- I'm highly technical...  I'm the guy
> that everybody comes to with their computer issues (primarily Wintel),
> and I can usually have them back up & running fine in minutes...  But
> this stuff is really testing me!!!

All I can say is that this isn't Windows... :-)

> So what should I do???  Can I un-install IVTV and/or lingering HD3000
> drivers and try to re-install them, perhaps removing all the capture
> cards and only installing them one at a time?  (IE: The PVR-350 first,
> then the PVR-250 and finally the HD3000)  Or would it be better/easier
> to only have the 350 and 250 in the 'primary' backend server, then setup
> a 'slave' backend for the HDTV tuner?

They can go wherever you want them. I've had that combination all in one box 
without a problem. (Actually, that combo and then some).

> I'm just getting so *bleeping* upset with this whole thing that I'm
> about ready to give up.  I don't *want* to give up, but it seems like a
> hopeless cause right now...  (and to add to the flustration, the
> 'evolution' email client I'm using has crashed at least 20 times while
> trying to type this message!!!)

I prefer kmail myself. Its all fixable, no need to reformat anything. Stop by 
the irc channel, we can help you out there. For the ivtv stuff, get an email 
with problem description and log dumps to the ivtv mailing list. As for the 
HD3000, what exactly have you tried so far? Its honesly very easy to get 
working, once you know what to do. Its near the top of my todo list to 
finally add that info to my doc...

I wish I could have about an hour of my time every day to do gratis support 
for users, in the form of simply shelling into their boxes to fix everything. 
Would be much simpler. :-)

> Ok, I fell a *little* bit better now, but not much...

No yelling.

> I would *LOVE* to have MytyTV working 
> with two of my Dish receivers connected to the S-Video inputs of the 350
> and 250, and the HDTV tuner pulling in the over-the-air HDTV signals...
> That's my DREAM, anyways!!!!

Perfectly possible...

> Kernel: 2.6.10-1.771_FC2
> PC: Athlon XP 1800+ - 512MB
> Gfx: Nvidia GeForce 4
> Disk: 100GB SCSI LVM (Video) 18GB SCSI (boot,root) 20GB IDE (swap,data)
> Tuner cards: PVR-350 PVR-250 PCHDTV3000

...Though your cpu is a bit too light to be able to handle HDTV playback 
reliably yet.

Jarod Wilson

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