just bought a house and needed some info on running my own rg-6 cable for my myth setup (and cable internet) ... i've had experience running rg-6 (i used to do sprint broadband installs w/ getronics), but unfortunately i didn't swipe one of the nice T&B snap-n-seal crimper/stripper tools we used before i was laid off ;) ...

anyway, i have a tool similar to this: http://www.radioshack.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=CTLG&product%5Fid=64-2984 at home that has a crimper for f-type crimp-on ends and can easily find the crimp on ends that will work with it, but i wanted to know if this tool will be "good enough" or if i should get something better ... i'd *LOVE* to have this one: http://www.hometech.com/tools/coax.html#TH-IT1000 but just can't justify it for the few amount of times i'll be running RG-6 cable :(

any suggestions? will that crimper work? any tips on using a crimper like that? i've also seen hex crimpers for fairly cheap, would they be any better? i'd love a snap-n-seal, but i do'nt know anyone who has one and it's just out of my price range for now :(

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