   This may be specific to the Xebian version I jsut brought up. If I
reboot the MythTV backend server I end up with a message on the XBox
frontend that says something to the effect of:

"The backend has stopped operating.. Is it running?"

And then an opportunity to say OK. Unfortunately it does not seem that
the XBox IR remote would actually satisfy the 'OK' button on the
dialog box. I ended up pushing the power button on the XBox and
rebooting. I didn't tink of trying to log in remotely and do a real
restart of the machine which would have been a better choice.

1) Is it true that I cannot reboot a backend server without having to
so something physical to all the frontend machines?

2) Is there anyway to configure mythfronend to allow the server to go
away for 5 minutes and then to figure out that it's back?

3) Why does the frontend care at all about this?Why doesn't it just
sit when I'm not using it and look at the backend when I give it a

4) Can the 'OK' button be satisfied with a different remote? I really
don't like this XBox remote.

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