i asked this a while back, but either didn't get many specific responses or i deleted them and can't remember what people suggested! :p

anyway, i'm wanting to replace my ATI AIW 9600 non-pro in my myth frontend with a non-capture video card (i really want the AIW in my windows box, since parts of the card are going to waste currently) ... i'm def on a budget, so not looking into the highest, most cutting-edge nvidia cards, but i want something that will last me a while and is comparable to the Radeon 9600 ...

i've got a transcoder already, so as long as it has a second vga-out, i'm fine ... however, if it's supported, i could always use a single-head vid card, since i've got my system's framebuffer support configured so it outputs 480p, so my hdtv works as a monitor ... but, i'm not sure if all the tv-related tweaks (hd timings, center mode stuff, etc) are all supported on a single-vga card ... i'm wanting to spend well under $100 ... anyone recommend any specific nvidia cards to check out? not interested in gaming, so 3D performance means nothing to me, only movie quality

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