
So are you getting both analog and HD channels using the HD3000 card
on your comcast ? Woah .. I dont think anyone is able to do that yet,
you may be the first one :-)

>From what I've read, you can either use the analog section OR the HD
but not both ! But kudos to you !!! Post your findings on
forum also !

BTW, if you just want OTA (over the air) HD stations, then DVB is the
way to go as v4l is not being supported in near future for HD stuff.



On 6/7/05, Greg Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I finally figured out my problem! Thanks to all who helped. I hope that
> I will be able to return the favor some day. I acted on a lot of hints I
> got, but my problem came down to my lack of ability to communicate with
> people who know way more about how this all works than I do. The hint
> that I got that put me on the right track was this:
> On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 10:27 -0600, Greg Woods wrote:
> > On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 12:16 -0400, Michael Haan wrote:
> >
> > > Ah, there's the catch.  The HD3000 can tune HD one of two ways - OTA
> > > via an antenna with the V4L drivers, or QAM (aka digital cable) via
> > > the DVB drivers.
> >
> > I have tried using both drivers.  Neither works with Mythtv. As far as I
> > can tell, xawtv is using the V4L drivers (/dev/video0) which work fine
> > there.
> Well, it never occurred to me until tonight to forget the DVB drivers
> that everybody was telling me to use (which I assume only work with
> *digital* cable which I do not have, as I did state more than once), and
> forget the drivers that are for the specific card I have (pcHDTV 3000,
> and those drivers are probably an early version of the DVB drivers
> anyway), and use the generic V4L drivers. Poof! It worked. Probably when
> I first set up the card, I accepted the default which is V4L, which
> would explain why it worked at first. It was only when I tried to
> outsmart myself that I screwed things up.
> So if you don't have *digital* cable, you must use the V4L drivers. this
> is probably obvious to most people out there, but I beat my head against
> the wall for three days to learn that fact, so hopefully someone
> searching the archives someday will find this message and avoid the same
> large headache for themselves.
> >
> > >   To tune regular analog cable you'll need a card like
> > > the PVR-350
> V4L drivers with the pcHDTV 3000 work just fine for analog cable.
> --Greg
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