It happened to me again tonight.  I'm just trying to perform a simple
'apt-get dist-upgrade' on a fresh install of FC3.  Oh well.

On 6/14/05, Justin Popa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was unblocked... but suprise here... I am blocked again. This time I got
> to 214 of 290ish though!
> On 6/14/05, Scott < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > On Jun 14, 2005, at 9:18 PM, Axel Thimm wrote:
> > > Certainly has been cleared in the last 24h. What have you been doing?
> > > Is it yum again
> > 
> > Just back from dinner and found my IP unblocked. This time I was just
> > browsing with Safari on Mac OS X and found myself blocked again after 
> > about a dozen or so page visits. At this rate it's going to be along
> > time to pull down the FC4 packages ;)
> > 
> > My previous MythTV box was a gentoo build. I switched to FC4 because
> > I was tired of rebuilding packages and heard lots of good things 
> > about the atrpms myth packages. Looks like I'll be rolling up my
> > sleeves and rolling my own mythtv packages from source though. :)
> > 
> > > Half a dozen is vanishingly small if you compare to the total unique
> > > client accesses per day. In normal days it's between 10-20K. I haven't
> > > checked yet for the unique connects since the release of FC4, but I
> > > guess they will be much higher.
> > 
> > You've gotta figure that most people don't report the problem. Or if 
> > they know it even is a problem they blame their local ISP or reboot
> > their Windows box or do anything but expect the site they're trying
> > to reach is blocking their IP. Having a few years experince of
> > running high volume / high profile services it's even more rare when 
> > a clueful user reports something other than "it's broke".
> > 
> > On a related note, anyone know of mirrors that don't block
> > IPs during normal usage? I would check the web site but my
> > IP is currently blocked ;)
> > 
> > --
> > AIM: BlueCame1
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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