On 24/06/05, Egeekial <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just upgraded my NVIDIA drivers from 1.0.7174 to 1.0.7667, and when I
> try to use XvMC playback in mythfrontend, I get this error:
> Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module is version 1.0.7667, but
> this library is version 1.0.7174. Please be sure that your kernel
> module and all NVIDIA driver files have the same driver version.
> Unable to create XvMC Context return status:11 BadAlloc
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nvidia's problem I think.  I had the same problem last night and
searching the list archive showed that people who know better than I
have failed to get XvMC working under 7667.

Go back to 7174.
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