Thank you for your responses!  Muting the channel with that card did
work, thank you!

I seem to really have some issues, or there is a ghost in my machine
that I need to exercise out ;)  But strangely, after muting that
channel on only that soundcard, and doing nothing with the other card
(the second card) both began working correctly in mythtv...

There was another major change I made that should not have made a
difference, but for completeness, I also recompiled my kernel to
include support for another card that I haven't put in the box yet but
have at home (a PC HDTV3000) and am getting ready to toy with.

Anyway, it's working now, thank you!

I do wish my cards worked with the btaudio module, and maybe they do,
but I seem to be completely unable to get that to work at all (which
leads me to believe they aren't capable of that function).  There is a
constant high pitch noise that I blame on having to use Line-In/Mic-In
instead of internal audio capturing :(

Again, Thanks for your helpful response.  I feel foolish that I missed that ;)

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