On Jun 30, 2005, at 4:23 PM, Justin Mason wrote:

BTW, have you considered embedding some kind of build-identifying info in the User-Agent string of the wget command used to update those, using -U?
e.g. something like build dates, svn revision, etc.

That way zap2it would be able to use a mod_rewrite rule (or similar) to
blacklist offending *builds* of MythTV, such as specific commercial
releases, rather than all labs-feed users in general.

Ugh. So they get their User-Agent shut down, so they push a software update to use the User-Agent the legal people are using, getting that one shut down, and we all get shoved into an upgrade race. Yicka.

There are plenty of lawyers doing things that hurt this project, I'd think this would the time one could be used to help the project, and go after those that are violating the terms of the agreement.


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