On Jul 3, 2005, at 3:14 PM, Marius Schrecker wrote:

I had an ATI card (9200SE) on my AMD 64 box which I was very pleased with. Clearer and more stable picture into an old %0Hz TV than I have had with any Nvidia card. Never quite got OpenGL and Screen resize and rotate working before the machine was stolen, but that's because I didn't get around to it. I will be going with a Radeon X300 card (PCI-E) now when I build the

Beware ATI cards for HDTV. For me when trying to view 1080i content I have the 'pink bar' issue which is to say that the right 1/4 of the full screen window shows up as pink resulting in a cut off image. As far as I can tell this has been reported as a defect against the radeon driver and the way it handles xv scaling of 1280x720 or larger. I have not tested yet if the binary ATI driver has the same issue.

I don't know for sure if all ATI cards that use the xorg radeon driver are affected. Perhaps others can chime in and confirm or deny the problem using the sample HDTV clip found in the downloads section www.pchdtv.com. Other content that isn't HD 720p or 1080i looks great on my ATI cards however..

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