George wrote:

   It should be easy enough to test the two-recodings-simultaneously
   theory by creating two telnet/ssh sessions and having one cat the 350's
   output directly to its playback device (cat /dev/video1 > /dev/video16)
   and then doing a cat on the 250's device to a file or /dev/null.
   Actually /dev/null would test if you're able to do file i/o on both
   devices simultaneously, if the 350 output is in sync with the 250 going
   to /dev/null and not with it going to a file then i/o performance is a
   likely culprit. I guess there are lots of possibilities but that's
   where I'd start, at the raw device level.

Hi George, thanks for the reply.  Upon further testing, my "two recordings at 
once" theory didn't hold up.  Even after a restart, going from a dead-calm system to 
record on one tuner, the exact same thing happens - always 18-20 seconds into the 
recording, a burst of 'fast-forward' and then all is lost.

Rolling back to ivtv-0.2.0-rc3k seems to have fixed it, but I get a persistent 
black screen under 0.2.0 that originally prompted the upgrade way back when.

Thank you for your help, though, it is much appreciated!


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