Paul V. Gratz wrote:

I just wanted to ask a quick question about setting up a slave backend. I have successfully setup a master server with one winTV Go capture card in it. I have a front end machine that also has a TV card in it however the processor in it is an old 1.6GHz P4 and the TV card is also a WinTV Go. I've tried to set it up so that it this machine has a slave backend with a low priority on the TV card however for some reason the master always wants to have the slave TV card running when I'm watching "Live TV" on that machine no matter how low I set the priority on it (or how high I set the priority on the master backend). The problem is that when I view TV on the slave machine using the slave TV card I've found that it can be slightly choppy vs. when I'm watching TV from the master's TV card everything is perfectly smooth (fast ethernet and the master is a much faster machine). Is there any way that I can set it up so that the master backend always records or is used for Live TV unless it is already being used for a recording? I'd like it if the only time I'm using the Slave's TV card is if the Master has already started recording something. I've done a bunch of searching but I've had no luck finding a solution for exactly my problem.

 I'm currently using MythTV .18-1 on gentoo.
Sounds like someone selected, "Avoid conflicts between live TV and scheduled shows."

If enabled, live TV will choose a tuner card that is less likely to have scheduled recordings rather than the best card available.

(basically, it chooses the lowest-priority available card for LiveTV).


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