--- Arno Puder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to use MythTV in the following way:
> - run MythTV on a PC without a monitor
> - capture the video signal and stream it into the
>   Internet.
> - use another machine as a client to watch the
> stream.
> - possibly change channels remotely.
> Can this be done with MythTV?
> Thx,
> Arno

I am guessing on my answer but what might be possible
is to have your Mythbackend / firewall configured such
that it allows ssh connections.  Once a ssh connection
is made the sshd daemon running on your Mythbackend /
firewall can be told to route the traffic to the
Mythbackend port.  So, your client would have to
initiate a ssh connection to your backend so that Myth
can communicate over ssh.  Not sure if this is
necessary but at least the only protocol you have to
have open would be ssh.  

This type of configuration can be done with VNC when
communicating over an insecure network.


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