Does anyone know why transcode would fail out turning Myth NUV files into anything else? These files were copied and saved just before my first myth hard drive bit the dust, so they aren't in the database anymore (or on the same puter for that matter), so nuvexport and mythtranscode might be tough. I tried transcode, but it fails just seconds in complaining with the following error

(demuxer.c) invalid program stream packet size (1984/2048)

I found some info on the web, but nothing that actually said there was a resolution. Just asking where the stream came from and mentioning that the vob decoder was pretty strict about the 2k packet size. I've also tried nuvexport, but I think it dies because I try to run it on the machine I want to use to edit these files which is lacking myth. I'm transcoding so I can cut them up some and archive 4 or 5 at a time to DVD using menus and whatnot. Obviously can't use mythtranscode here either.

Does anyone know a way to do this?

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