Michael Carland wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having a problem with program data missing for after 9PM. It seems
> identical to what was happening in this thread
> (http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/70645), but that was
> 15.1 and I'm using 18. The guide data for the major networks is there,
> but most of the cable channels are missing their data. I haven't noticed
> anyone else mentioning this problem recently.
> The strange thing is that the data is there for the weekend. Currently,
> I am missing 7/19-7/22 and 7/25-7/28.
> I've rebuilt mythfilldatabase with two changes. I enabled the
> --dd-grab-all option, which I just used (7/16 12:34AM local time), and
> the missing data was filled in out to 7/26, but I still have partial
> listings for 7/27-7/28. I also added an option --maxday, that overrides
> that variable in the code, so that I can try bumping it down (looks like
> 10 would be the correct value).
> Searching in gossamer, I didn't find anyone else having this type of
> problem since 2004. Is anyone else seeing this? Did zap2it change the
> number of days of data that they carry?
> Thanks,
> -Michael
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I'm the guy that was having the problem, so here's the fix I'm using

edit the mythtv source for mythtv/programs/mythfilldatabase/filldata.cpp

For me it's line 2875, but I'm not using a current cvs version.  Do a
search for "%d 18" (minus quotes) and replace the 18 with 21.
Unfortunately I have to do this for every cvs update I make, but once
done I no longer have problems.

Sure some newly added days to the schedule have NO DATA after 9pm, but
it updates it when there is data, so it never gets to the point that I
have NO DATA on the current day.

Hope this helps.
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