>> I have been monitoring this mail list for a while now.  And mythTV looks
> very interesting.  And I know it is not released yet.  And to be clear I
> and not trying to be insulting or start a fight.  But...

Based on past history on this list, you might get a fight anyway :)

To answer your questions, I've been using it since shortly after 0.17 was
released, and it works extremely well.  It pays to do your homework on
hardware imho (not that I did a spectacular job of that either ;)

In fact, it works so well, I have basically retired my ExpressVu PVR, and
use Myth exclusively.  My only "complaint" (and I put it in quotes because
it isn't really a big deal) is that live tv is much more awkward than it
was on the Expressvu pvr.

I find that I almost never watch anything in "liveTV" mode though - I
watch sports live, but I schedule it to record and watch it from the
view-recordings screen instead.  I think a lot of that is a side effect of
having a slow frontend (Xbox)

Channel surfing is right out the window too, but then I'd pretty much
stopped doing that when I got satellite TV with a proper guide anyway. 
MythWeb is one of the truly great accessories.

Sure, it's not perfect, but I like it a lot, and my wife seems to like it
better than the old PVR too.

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