I gave that a burl, it just starts recording and the backend complains about having no PIDs. It had PIDs damn you! It opens the card in PS mode then errors and complains about no data until I stop the recording. The transport errors doesn't happen though. Switching back to live tw just comes back to the no PIDs errors but the transport error stops.

Probably should've mentioned earlier that this is on 0.18.1 :D

Micael Beronius wrote:

I have seen this as well, and I think the problem is that first error of yours, "transport 0". There's some kind of bug in that area methinks.

I ususally can get rid of it by tuning to another channel with the recording feature, stop the recording, get back to live view. But I had issues with transponder 0 when finding channels as well.
Sorry for being vague ;-(

I'm also using DVB-T, not the same make though. On myth 18.1.

- Micael

On Thursday 28 July 2005 12.45, F'Nog wrote:
Hi all,

I've finally gotten around to putting together a mythtv box, and after
farting around with a few things it's almost working. However when I
start the backend up, it tires to tune into the default channel and
fails with the message:

DVB#0 ERROR - Could not find dvb tuning parameters for transport 0
DVB#0 ERROR - Failed to get channel options for channel 10.

I've definately got a channel 10, and I had a look in the database and
there's a dvb_channel entry tied by chanid to the channel entry and
appropriate video/audio pids in the pids table. I double checked and
tzap can find the channel fine so it's not a reception issue. I can't
see anything I'm missing in the card or channel setup, anyone got any
ideas why it would be failing?

P.S. Using TwinHan DVB-T cards on Fedora Core 4 (2.6.12-1).

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