Berry, David wrote:

Same here (Canberra)

How do we fix it? - change the script?

To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au script from this list. Anyone
elsehadproblems today?

Mary Wright wrote:

My mythfill database seems to be spewing about pid errors today is
getting the same error

I'm getting the same thing.. Sighz... Why can't the networks just provide the EPG free without these stupid restrictions, I'm sure the HDTV uptake will improve with a proper freely available EPG that cost nothing to the consumer.

Are you guys using the ninemsn grabber?
This is why I have stuck to the older grab-au that uses
Thanks d1, it's not perfect ( Myth hates the spelling mistakes ;) , but at least your always there. I cannot understand why someone would not want to freely distribute information about their services Are they saying they make more money from charging for the stupid listings than for the actual shows or what?
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