I have attached by tv_grab_au with fixes for this new problem. It
seems to be just a few urls have changed very slightly. Since my
version might be different everyone elses anyway (there were quite a
few iterations floating around) here is a diff which shows the
necessary changes:

< my $details_url = "http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au/cu/default.asp?pid=";;
> my $details_url = "http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au/closeup/default.asp?pid=";;
<                       if ($link =~ /cu\/default.asp/) {
>                       if ($link =~ /closeup\/default.asp/) {
<                               $name =~ s/.+target=_new class=tv>(<P>|)//g;
>                               $name =~ s/.+target=new>(<P>|)//g;
<                               $link =~ s/&.+//g; #&
<                               $link =~ s/ .+//g; #&
>                               $link =~ s/".+//g; #"
<       $pid =~ s/(\d*).*/$1/;
<               $pid =~ s/(\d*).*/$1/;

short summary is: "closeup" changed to "cu" and the urls which the pid
variables are pulled out of got re-arranged and some extra variables
stuck in them which caused the regexes which pull them out to either

I am in Canberra, I seem to recall messing with the channel names some
time ago when SBS did some stuff, I'm not sure if it is currently
correct, or whether I compensated in other ways (eg. in the database).
Be warned that running this could add a whole bunch of crappy channels
to your tables. Your best bet might be to port the fixes to your own

Good luck,

On 8/2/05, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> F'Nog wrote:
> >
> >
> > It seems it's either fixing this all the time or going back to d1 (I
> > only ever got program data for SBS News here in Canberra, never played
> > with it much) or paying $150 a year with IceTV.
> I was so close to switching to the ninemsn script a few days ago.  Boy
> am I glad I didn't...
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