Thanks for your help, I will try it at home tonight.
How do you change your channels on the sky box from MythTV. Are you
using the RedEye, RF or something different?


Around about 04/08/05 14:33, Oliver Martini typed ...
> I then tried to add a channel to the channel-editor with choosing
> sat_uk as the video source but I was not able to "tune" to this
> channel. (Of course the SkyBox was running, since I got the picture
> and sound when I ran mplayer and added the /dev/video0 as source.)

I think there's stuff in Jarod's guide about this; I've set Sky up and I,
like most people, got most of my info. from that.

The trick is that you need to set the "frequency" no. (IIRC) for each Sky
channel to the actual [Sky] channel number, then set that source/tuner up to
run an external command upon channel change.

This command (usually a script you write) get the 'frequency' (channel no.)
as its first arg. and does what needs to be done to change the Sky channel.

First up, given that you can see the Sky outside of Myth, I'd get so's you
can watch live Sky TV through Myth. Not sure if that's made more difficult by
having another already-working tuner. You may need to configure your script
up and just have a do-nothing one for now to make Myth think it worked.

Then you need to set up (test the script outside Myth) whatever mechanism
you plan to use the change the Sky channel (IR of RF).

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