Mark J. Small wrote:

On August 11, 2005 01:49 pm, Tom wrote:
Hi Mythtv users

Got a problem with my GF4MX card, i can not get SVIDEO to work with
it. Composite works fine. I also got the feeling, that the resolution
is only 640x480, everything looks a little bit pressed together.

I am using Ubuntu with nvidia drivers; how can I check which version?
Does it matter?

Here is the device and screen part of my xorg.conf:

Section "Device"
       Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440]"
       Driver          "nvidia"
       BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"
       Option          "NoLogo"
       Option          "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"
       Option          "TVStandard"    "PAL-G"
       #Option         "TVOutFormat"   "SVIDEO"
       Option          "TVOutFormat"   "COMPOSITE"
       Option          "TVOverScan"    "0.6"
       Option          "RenderAccel"   "0"
       Option          "NvAGP"         "1"
Section "Screen"
       Identifier      "Default Screen"
       Device          "NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440]"
       Monitor         "tv0"
       DefaultDepth    24
       SubSection "Display"
               Depth           1
               Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
       SubSection "Display"
               Depth           4
               Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
       SubSection "Display"
               Depth           8
               Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
       SubSection "Display"
               Depth           15
               Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
       SubSection "Display"
               Depth           16
               Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
       SubSection "Display"
               Depth           24
               Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Any ideas anyone? Thanks!

Try turning off GLX. Comment out the "Load GLX" line in the modules section. It worked for me on my debian system. I never figured out why, but its worth a shot. I don't have a composite out on my card, so I don't know if your problem is the same. I was finding that whenever I tried to use the SVideo out, X would crash with a signal 11 until I disabled the GLX module.

Let me know if it works. It would be nice to know that somebody else on earth was having the same problem as me.

it used to be that the nvidia instructions dictated to comment out GLX. I assume that is still the case.

BTW: Do you have two outputs on the card: an S-Video and a composite? Kinda strange since they are basically the same thing.
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