I'm curious what is the best setup for a 350/150 combo.


Currently, I am using the PVR 350(Svideo) for video output.  I have set the "Use the PVR-350's TV out /MPEG decoder" under Harware Decoding Settings.  I also have “Enable OpenGL vertical sync for timing.


When I check the backend status, the 150 is used for watching LiveTV.  The PVR-350 is used for recording. 


Shouldn’t the PRV-350 be used for live TV and playback?  What is a best method to ensure this?


Does the “decoding” take place on the PVR350 if the PVR150 is used for live TV / playback since it’s still using the PRV350(svideo) out?  If it does, then is my previous question mute?


Any suggestions appreciated.



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