My Myth setup is running fabulously well. WAF is high and our TV viewing habits have been completely changed.


A niggling little problem is however defying my attempts to fix. When I am watching ‘live’ TV (not often now as we mainly watch recorded programs) and hit the menu button I get the seven options (Program Guide, something Browse Mode etc) of the semi-transparent menu up on the screen. Trouble is that they are positioned so that the left hand side of this menu is off the left hand side of the screen. i.e. I see ‘ogram Giude’ where the ‘Pr and half the ‘o’ (of Program Guide) are to the left off the viewable area.


I’ve tried messing around with various settings under the Setup menu but don’t seem to be able to find anything that makes any difference.


The rig is using the TV Out of a PVR 350 with the drivers as per AT RPM’s and Jarod’s guide.


Do I need to be messing with modelines or something like that?


I don’t think that I am missing actual TV picture off to the left hand side but cannot be entirely sure.


I’ve tired setting and un-setting the ‘Use GUI size for TV playback’ under Settings -> Apearance but this doesn’t seem to have any effect.


Changing the GUI size itself seems to just work on the Myth GUI (I’m assuming that the TV Out of the PVR is a completely separate video mode of some sort.)


Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.








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