On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 14:13 +0200, Jens Baumeister wrote:
> On 8/21/05, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Peter Judge wrote: 
> > >On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 15:43 +0200, Jens Baumeister wrote:
> > >>First Problem: The auto-detection of ProjectX. My ProjectX comes as a
> > >>jar that needs to be called from java. I'm sure I could have put
> > >>together a shell script that mimics the "projectx" executable the
> > >>script wants to see, but being a lazy guy, I just hard-coded the
> > >>correct command into the script...
> > >
> > >And for those of use who are even lazier :), that command was .... ?
> > >
> > java -jar ProjectX.jar
> Pretty much. These are the edits I made to the scripts/mpeg2cut-px.sh
> 1. I commented out the line
> projectx=`which projectx`
> (by placing a # in front of it)
> 2. I added the line
> projectx='/PATH/TO/MY/java -jar /PATH/TO/MY/ProjectX.jar'
> right below that. (If mailing it adds any line breaks - it's all
> supposed ot be in one line. You should replace the pathnames with
> those correct for your install, of course. :-) )
> 3. I commented out the following four lines (from "if..." to "fi"),
> because the check would always fail. (There is no single executable
> named like the contents of the projectx variable.) This means that you
> should double-check your pathnames, because the script won't do it for
> you!
> That worked for me. Of course, emerging ProjectX would have been the
> cleaner way, but it never occured to me to look for an ebuild...

...or if there is no package for your distribution:

echo "/PATH/TO/MY/java -jar /PATH/TO/MY/ProjectX.jar $@" > 
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/projectx


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