> Can't believe you haven't listed ratpoison there. Very lightweight,
> supports Xrandr, and importantly for a mouseless machine, is entirely
> keyboard driven. Almost feels like it was written for
> myth and I'd certainly prefer it to no window manager (which can have
> focus issues sometimes).

I don't know if I classify as a linux noob anymore given I have been
running myth for a year, but I have never really delved into window
managers and stuff.  I am running FC2 with Gnome and therefore (?)

My question is, and yes I did search the interweb, how easy is it to
install and play with this ratpoison WM without screwing up my nice
setup.  If I can get it to work good the way I want it to, I might
keep ratpoison, but just in case I want to be able to go back.

Is it merely a case of doing an apt-get for ratpoison and then
tweaking a config file somewhere?



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