I had a brainstorm the other day, and didn't notice any mention of it in the archives.

Has anyone thought of controlling a tv over the network, like through Mythweb?

My wife and I have 3 kids and we both work at home. The Myth box is in our bedroom. The kids are constantly interrupting us asking us to let them watch some show or another. While we don't mind them watching Dora the Explorer or Tom & Jerry, it's a bit of a pain getting up and going to the bedroom to start the show. (They aren't allowed access to the keyboard or the [currently non-working] remote control after almost breaking them about a month ago.) So I got to wondering if there was some way for us to start the show from our desks, or if we're kind of stuck getting up and running to the bedroom every couple of hours or so.

Mickey Chandler
Chief Operating Whizard
Whizardries, Inc.: <http://www.whizardries.com>
Our new site: <http://www.my-debt-reduction-plan.com/>

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