Hey guys, I've got what might be an easy question regarding Myth's handling of weekly recording schedules.  I've got a "record weekly" schedule set up for the new Battlestar Gallactica series on SciFi every Monday night, 10:00pm CDT.  I've had this setup for a few weeks now, and it works great.  Today, however, I noticed that SciFi also has a Friday night at 9:00pm showing of Battlestar, so I setup a "record weekly" schedule for that listing as well.  I've since discovered that the episode that shows on Monday night is a repeat of the previous Friday night, or at least that what it looks like so far.  Nevertheless, I opted to keep both schedules in place, figuring that even if they are the same episode Myth will sort that out for me and only record one. 

Looking at my schedule recordings page on Mythweb, here's what I see:  for this Friday evening (tomorrow), Myth is NOT going to record this episode and has a code of "L" next to the showing, which apparently means it will "record this showing at a later time instead."  For Monday, Myth WILL record that showing of Battlestar.

Now I fully understand that Myth should only record 1 of the 2 showings since they're the exact same episode, however I can't figure out why it's electing to record Monday's episode instead of Friday's since Friday is an earlier date.  There's no other recording happening on Friday at the same time which would interfere.  (I've got dual tuners, so that wouldn't matter anyway)  What I would expect to see is that Myth would record Friday's episode, and skip Monday's with an indication on Monday's schedule of "P" for "previously recorded." 

Does this seem like a problem to anyone else, or am I just misunderstaning how the behavior is supposed to work? 
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