Thanks for your reply.
 I'm not sure how to check for database errors. I uninstalled everything, deleted all databases and reinstalled mythtv, mysql and all, and followed the howto to the letter again. This time, I set the device in mythtv-setup to /dev/audio & I am getting sound, but still no channel lineups. I get the same errors whenever I use mythfilldatabase (I am starting completely from scratch). Am I setting the lineup retrieval wrong (I am in the US, and have my channels configged in, and am configging datadirect with my login & pwd. Running tv_grab_na_dd separately downloads the listings into an xml file, and tvtime renders it correctly).

 I tried to tell mythfilldatabase to read the xml file I created by "mythfilldatabase --file 0 -1 listings.xml but it said:

"Don't use tv_grab_na_dd, use the internal datadirect grabber"

 How do I do that exactly? Could you please guide me as to the commands used? I looked at manpages and google but got very confused.

 I finally decided to uninstall everything and restart. I did and ran into problems. I installed the mythconverg database, and tried to start the mythtv-setup utility, but it crashes with the following error:

2005-09-11 16:35:01.954 New DB connection, total: 1
Total desktop width=1024, height=768, numscreens=1
2005-09-11 16:35:01.962 Using screen 0, 1024x768 at 0,0
Could not find theme: blue
2005-09-11 16:35:01.981 Switching to square mode (blue)
mythtv: could not connect to socket
mythtv: No such file or directory
lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages
2005-09-11 16:35:02.404 Joystick disabled.
Could not find theme: blue
Couldn't find theme blue
If this is the master backend server:
Now, please run 'mythfilldatabase' to populate the database
with channel information.

Thanks for your attention,

On 9/5/05, Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 04/09/05, Analabha Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>  [Regular User]$mythfilldatabase
>  A whole bunch of errors like
>  DB Error (Inserting into dd_genre):
>  Query was:
>  INSERT INTO dd_genre (programid, class, relevance)
> VALUES('SH5153420000','Special','0');
>  Driver error was [2/1146]:
>  QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
>  Database error was:
>  Table 'mythconverg.dd_genre' doesn't exist
>  DB Error (Inserting into dd_genre):
>  Query was:
>  INSERT INTO dd_genre (programid, class, relevance)
> VALUES('SH5153420000','Travel','1');
>  Driver error was [2/1146]:
>  QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
>  Database error was:
>  Table 'mythconverg.dd_genre' doesn't exist

I would make sure your database is OK, both in terms of having all of
the required tables, and make sure the existing tables contain no

Please don't repost the same question after only 1 day - people who
will respond will see your first message. If you haven't heard
anything after a week, and still have a problem after further testing,
by all means post with any updated info.


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