On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 16:46 -0700, brett olah wrote:
> Hi Group,
> I've been running several MythTV boxes off Com[unist]cast cable in South San
> Jose CA., running as analog (cable directly in to the PC) for a few years
> and was extatic when I saw the 1394 channel support for DCT6200, no longer
> limmited to 73 Channels.
> 6200ch compiled fine no problems, I think I'm not a programer, no error's
> anyway.
> I am having an issue getting the channels to change ...

You don't need 6200ch anymore.  Myth has support for internal firewire
channel-changing for the 6200 boxes.  I was going to point you to the
official docs, but it turns out that the docs haven't been updated.

On the other hand, looking at the main page http://www.mythtv.org/ one
can find the following as the featureset in 0.18.1:

"Internal channel-change over firewire support for DCT-6200 series cable
boxes - no external program required like before."



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