> Yes, I'm pretty sure it's working. My shutdown script checks that
> nothing else is running (such as mythcommflag or mythtranscode) before
> it allows shutdown. If something is running it exists with status 1.
> Are you saying that the backend then treats that as some sort of error
> condition which prevents it from checking for auto-shutdown again? It
> certainly never used to do that, and I would say that is not really
> ideal as it takes control away from users writing scripts like this.
> Without it the automatic shutdown will go ahead even if transcoding or
> commflagging is happening which is not good.
> Does anyone have any suggestions about how to handle this?

I have now put in a work-around for this on my system. I have a shell
script which runs hourly which checks to see if there are any
important programs running. If there aren't then it restarts
mythbackend which will then make it do its auto-shutdown checking
again when the time is right. I've attached the shell scripts if
anyone is interested:

functions.sh             - contains functions to check if recording or
anything important running
mythbackend_restart.sh   - restarts mythbackend service if all OK


Attachment: functions.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: mythbackend_restart.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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