I have been trying to install mythtv for a few days now.  First i tried with debian stable, and even after doing an 'apt-get build-dep mythtv', i still had some serious dependency issues.  After reading quite a bit it looked like i should have better luck running debian unstable.
So now under my unstable debian system i ran 'apt-get build-dep mythv'.  now when i try and do a 'apt-get install myhtv' it says there are issues with the front & backend.  if i do a 'apt-get install mythtv-backend' and it says that libmyth-0.18.1 cannot be install because libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.3.4) cannot be installed.
i obviously cannot 'apt-get install libqt3-mt' because there is no stright libqt3-mt package.  libqt3c102-mt is installed, and i have also installed libqt3-mt-dev.
What can i do?
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