On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 06:18:11PM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Is it possible to somehow nice mythcomflag? It appears that in cases
> where I'm recording two shows and also doing commercial detection on
> two shows that just completed that my poor 3GHz P4 cannot keep up.
> This is resulting in bad recordings. I think that if I lowered
> priorities on mythcomflag I'd do better.

In mythtv-setup General options there is a "Job Queue" configuration
page. Set the CPU Usage option:

        - High: no nicing
        - Medium: nice 19
        - Low: nice 19 + sleep() every so often in the main loop

Also, you might want to reduce the number of maximum simultaneous jobs
to "1", unless you have hyperthreading enabled and are running an SMP


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