I'm setting up a new frontend and installed FC4 on it. Everything is fine, I can connect, watch TV, etc. but the setup screens in Myth (I'm using the MythCenter theme) are too big for the screen. I cannot see the Back/Next buttons. It basically looks like the spacing between elements is too much and it is pushing the UI components off the screen

Relevant info:

   * My DPI is 100 both by using DisplaySize and by sending "-dpi 100"
     to the X server.  Using smaller or larger DPI values makes no
   * My resolution is 800x600
   * If I adjust the font size from 16 to 14 or 12 the setup screens
     become more readable but the font is super tiny
   * Setting the GUI size in setup only makes Myth take up less space
     on the screen, the button placement is still the same relative to
     that smaller area

Has anyone seen this or have a suggestion? I've searched the lists and found some reference to older urw-fonts packages but I'm reluctant to start installing older packages if there is something simple I have missed. My previous frontend was RH9 using the same theme and did not exhibit this behavior.

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