On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 15:55 -0500, Roman Romaniuk wrote:
> >On 9/23/05, Ryan Steffes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >I think my problem resides somewhere in the NFS system. I also note
> >looking at the output of ifconfig that both the backend side and the
> >NFS server are logging thousand up thousand 'collisions'. I need to
> >fix that next.

This sounds like a half vs full duplex problem.

> NFS works very well for reading, not so well for writing.  NFS absolutely
> insists (for a whole bunch of valid reasons) on commiting the data to disk
> before returning,  resulting in very poor write performance as there is no
> buffering. Your best bet is writing to a local hard disk.

In the server side /etc/exports file I have:

# TV system exports
/mnt/d4/tv       client(rw,no_root_squash,async,no_subtree_check)

The async helps with the write performance but at the risk of data loss
if the power goes down.

I also have no version 2 support, and use nfs over tcp rather than udp.

On the client side fstab:

server:/mnt/d4/tv /mnt/d4/tv nfs  \
defaults,wsize=32768,rsize=8192,noatime,hard,nfsvers=3,async 1 1

Provides good performance for my setup (3 streams over NFS without a




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