On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 22:03 -0600, Alan Anderson wrote:
> On the Slave Back End make sure all of the mysql.txt has the IP address of 
> the 
> Master Back End.

I've been bitten by the "mysql.txt" problem before. The very first thing
I did was check this, and yes, my system does have multiple mysql.txt
files so I always make sure they are all identical and correct.

> There should be a mysql.txt in the users .mythtv directory and probably one 
> in /.mythtv.

...and one in /root/.mythtv (most distros don't use / for ~root any

What I think happens here is, when mythbackend starts at boot time, you
don't have a full environment, so $HOME is not set and it defaults to
"/". Thus at that time it is going to look in /.mythtv. Once you are
logged in, the environment is set and $HOME for root will be set
to /root, so if you manually start mythbackend as root after the system
is fully up, it will be looking in /root/.mythtv . And, when you run
mythfrontend as another user, it will be looking in ~/.mythtv for that
user. In retrospect it would probably have been better to create an
explicit common location for this file rather than depending on an
environment variable (e.g. "/etc/mythtv/mythtv.conf"), but it is easy to
have 20/20 hindsight.

In any case, my problem was never due to multiple mysql.txt files; I am
well aware of that issue and checked for it. Somehow I got some serious
database corruption. "mythfilldatabase" would say there was already data
for a certain day, but the on-screen guide and MythWeb would show "NO
DATA". I don't understand enough about the internal database structure
used here to fix that manually, so I resorted to a complete rebuild of
the database. It was after that when I couldn't get things to work quite
right for most of the weekend. 

I'm glad I got it fixed now because I don't want to miss the big
Broncos/Chiefs game tonight but won't be able to start watching until an
hour or so after the game has started, so I'm counting on my Myth system
to catch it for me. I'll probably catch up to real time by the 3rd
quarter or so. I am beginning to understand what people mean when they
say "I never watch live TV any more".

I think my major problem turned out to be not restarting the mythbackend
processes at the proper time and in the correct order. Setting up a
slave backend is a little bit tricky in that things really have to be
done in exactly the right order or it screws up the database. I had a
problem where as soon as I added the slave's tuner card, I could no
longer change channels on the master backend's cards. This was (I think)
because I needed to restart the master backend process. Then I couldn't
get the slave to use its own tuner, because I needed to *first* restart
the master backend, *then* restart the slave backend. If these steps are
not done in exactly the right order, things don't work right.

> Did you read this?  It covers the process pretty well for setting up a SBE.
> http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/tips.php

Where in there does it cover setting up an SBE? I see some tips for
configuring a frontend-only system, but nothing about SBE's.

Good thing I looked at that document though. I'd really like to be able
to use my Sony Vaio laptop as a portable TV, but the playback is really
choppy. Jarod has some tips in there I might try to maybe improve things
(it's using 802.11g wireless with an Atheros built-in chip). Of course
it may turn out that the CPU and onboard ATI Mobility M6 video chip just
aren't up to it, but at least there are some fine tuning tricks I can
try before I give up on it.


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