On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 11:30 -0700, Fedor Pikus wrote:
> On 9/27/05, Dean Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         My sentiments exactly. It's a bullshit scam and I've had 3
>         rejected.
> Some manufacturers are worse than others. Seagate has been pretty
> good, I bought at least 5 of their drives at Fry's over the last year
> (the ones in white-and-blue boxes, 5 years warranty) and they always
> sent rebates, and pretty quick. Western sent all rebates in the end
> but some took several months.

My general opinion on rebates is they are a pain, and I've had
difficulty getting them honored at times too.  The last LCD monitor I
bought had some stupid 10 day rebate which they counted from the date I
purchased the monitor online.  They then claimed it arrived on day 11 or
13 or something, when I sent it right away and it should have arrived in

I ended up having to call the manufacturer and get ahold of who was in
charge of highering the rebate company.  Even then it still took several
months to get the rebate and several long calls waiting on hold.

IMO, if your fairly busy otherwise it might be effectively cheaper to
just go to newegg's site and get one...


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