Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 11:47:47AM -0500, Mike Daugird wrote:

are there any secret sources for large capacity drives?

I don't know about "secret", but the prices on Seagate 7200.7 400GB
PATA drives these days are pretty good for what you get.  I wouldn't
buy them refurbished, myself; the duty cycle's a bit high for that.

My sister's last one was about $225US, I think.

Monarch had the WD 400G RE2 drives for $230 with shipping.

This is a preferable drive since it has a special feature which will prevent it from dropping out of a RAID volume during long drive seeks, or thermal recalibration (not that you'd ever use it...), plus it comes with a 5 year warranty. I think the Seagate drive also has a 5 year warranty, but after dealing with hundreds of drives, I only buy Hitachi and WD now. Seagate and Maxtor have caused me nothing but headaches lately.

I just ordered 8 of them for my new MythTV setup.
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