Hi All

Yesterday, I gave a presentation on MythTV at WSFII (World Summit on Free
Information Infrastructures - http://www.okfn.org/wsfii/). For those
interested, the talk is available to download from here:
(The recording is a bit poor in places, but it was a really big, echoey room).

Bear in mind, I only effectively had about 4 mins to present MythTV, as half of
the 10 min presentation needed to relate to the advantages of open source.
(Also, ignore my mix up about 2 mins in - can never get the hang of powerpoint
- ho-hum).

I'll put the persentation up somewhere shortly for download

The event itself wasn't as technical as previous demonstrations I've been
involved in so I didn't go into too much detail about how to build the systems.
However, a large number of people came up to me afterwards to discuss MythTV
which was gratifying.

Any comments or feedback would be welcome



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