Kevin Barsby wrote:

My Myth box cooked it's disk earlier this week, and I've been pondering
the best wat to setup a backend / frontend system.

The two options I'm considering are:
- Frontend only + backend on separate PC
- Frontend + Backend on 1 machine with networked storage on second

The main reason for considering the second machine as a storage only
box, is I'd like to have it dual booting (for the occasional Windows
based game), I could potentially then move the networked storage to a
dedicated network device (Iomega sell a 250GB model I believe).

Anyone tried anything similar?
Sounds like the frontend only + backend on separate PC would be a better approach. Otherwise, you can't play games when you want to record things.

Basically, make your frontend into a dual-boot system (nearly all the HD could be used for the gaming box). This also allows you to set up a high-def-capable frontend (which requires beefy CPU's and doesn't mind a good NVIDIA GPU) so you're prepared for the future. This is the approach I'm taking for my high-def upgrade. Since the system I'm getting for the frontend is better than my current gaming system, it makes sense to set it up as my new gaming system--meaning I need a separate backend so my frontend can be shut down (and booted to Windows) whenever.


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