On 10/4/05, Jesse Guardiani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frank Lynch wrote:
> > Hi Folks,
> > I have X running over the TV-out on my PVR-350, everything works quite
> > well and myth is very impressive. That is, until I attempt to play
> > back a DVD - a lot of frames get dropped, audio gets out of synch etc.
> > >From what I've read the problem is that I don't have Xv support in the
> > version of ivtv that I'm using (fedora core4 following Jarods guide).
> > I understand that Xv support is available in the development
> > (unstable) edition of ivtv - can anyone comment on the stability of
> > this?
> >
> 0.3.8 is quite stable, and XV works wonderfully. But you also have to
> build and install the
> new Xdriver 0.10.6. You'll find them both here:
>     http://dl.ivtvdriver.org/
> Don't Panic! ivtv is really quite easy to build and install. The xdriver
> is more difficult, but still
> doable.
> > Is there a howto or doc anywhere that describes or guides you through
> > the process of enabling Xv on the 350's TV-Out?
> >
> Nothing to it really. Build and install the ivtv 0.3.8 and xdriver
> 0.10.6, and you're done. Just
> use XV and enjoy.
> > As I mentioned I'm using Fedora Core 4 here - is there a yum
> > repositiory that I should include in order to pull in the correct
> > version of ivtv?
> >
> Probably not, but I'm not sure. I'm running KnoppMyth R5A16.

Thanks Folks, I just installed ivtv 0.3.8 and its working great!
I actually found ivtv-0.3.8 in the atrpms repository, so it was a
simple matter of executing `yum install ivtv-0.3.8` nice n' easy :-)
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