Well, after following Jarod's Fedora guide (excellent, btw), I've gotten a rudimentary MythTV box up and running. However, I'm now at the point where I want to go from my monitor out to my TV/component outs, and I'm having a heck of a time with X trying to make it work. Here's my setup:

* Fedora Core 4
* Gigabyte 6200-based video card, w/component-out breakout box
* Latest (7676) nVidia drivers
* Dell 2405W monitor (hooked up to its component-inputs) for testing, though eventually I want to hook it up to my projector in my media room

First, I thought I'd cheat, see if anybody was already using this configuration, and just copy their xorg.conf. Well, no such luck. So, per Jarod's advice I tried the PowerStrip route. Booting off of a WindowsXP drive, I used PowerStrip to find settings for 720x480p and tweeked the setttings until it looked decent (I'll worry about perfection later). Here's the mode line that PowerStrip gave me:

Linux modeline parameters:
"720x480" 26.625 720 752 824 896 480 481 484 497 -hsync -vsync

So, I edited my xorg.conf file with the following

Section "Monitor"
      Identifier "Monitor0"
      VendorName "Some Vendor"
      ModelName "HDTV"
      HorizSync 31.5 - 37.9
      VertRefresh 59.9 - 60.1
ModeLine "720x480" 26.625 720 752 824 896 480 481 484 497 -hsync -vsync

Section "Screen"
      Identifier "Screen0"
      Device "Videocard0"
      Monitor "Monitor0"
      DefaultDepth 24
      SubSection "Display"
              Depth 24
              Modes "720x480"
      Option "TVStandard" "HD480p"
      Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"

Now, at first, this failed completely, and X wouldn't even start. After checking out my Xorg.0.log file, I saw that it didn't like the hsync range of my 720x480 Mode. However, it did like the default 800x600 mode.! So, just for fun, I changed

Modes "720x480"


Modes "800x600"

Now, I'm getting closer (I think). X will start without errors, but I only get a blank screen. I can drop down to a console, and I get text via the component outputs, but when I switch back to X, just black. Strangely, my monitor thinks it's getting a 480p signal, but I see nothing ...

Is it possible this setup just won't work? Googling and searching various forums about my configuration just brought results stating that my configuration (6200, component outputs) was possible, but nothing from anyone who actually got it up and running!

My X configuration skills are suspect at best, so I'm really not sure how to even proceed from this point. I really want to get this configuration up and running, though :) Any advice on where to go from here would be appreciated.


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