On 12/10/05, David Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry I should rephrase what I wrote:
> I believe that when people mention WAP, they usually mean both WML and
> the WAP protocol (or if not WML then some kind of HTML that is not
> HTML compatible. It uses different tags for accepting inputs etc.)
> Basically what I am looking for is an HTML theme that displays the
> same information that the WAP (whatever is in the WAP directory) with
> the same dimensions. It looks perfect on Firefox which is able to read
> the WAP page.
> Ideally I would just copy the HTML page and readjust it for the phone
> browser, but since the WAP theme (ie. the wap theme directory) looks
> like it would fit nicely on my mobile screen, I would like to make the
> code HTML compatible & sent over IP (ie. not WAP).
> Does this make any sense? Any ideas?
> Is there perhaps a quick way to pear down the HTML theme to something
> similar to whats in the WAP theme, or is this not so easy?
> Thank you,
> David
> On 10/12/05, Ciaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 12/10/05, David Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am trying to convert the Mythweb Mobile WAP theme so that it is
> > > usable on mobile devices that do not support WAP (chtml) (ie. I-Mode)
> > I'm not quite sure where this confusion comes from, but WAP is a
> > transmission protocol rather than a display meta-language, but the
> > code seems to have this apparent confusion too :(
> >
> > >
> > > Essentially I need the same format (table layout, sizes, menus) as the
> > > WAP version, without all the WAP code. I am trying to get things off
> > > the ground, but I can't find where MythWEB identifies itself as a WAP
> > > page.
> > MythWeb appears to support two mobile styles, the first one is 'WML'
> > and the second is 'HTML'.  Both can be sent over WAP or over IP
> > (GPRS).  It is dependant on the formats the mobile device can support.
> > >
> > > Is there a .WML file that is being sent? How does the WAP theme
> > > identify itself as a WAP theme?
> >
> > The mobile device sends HTTP-ACCEPT + User-Agent headers up to the
> > mythweb application.  Mythweb interprets these two headers and decides
> > a) Is this a mobile device and b) What type of content should we send
> > down.
> >
> > i.e. If the User-Agent = Nokia something-or-other it says, okey we
> > have a mobile device, and if there is a HTTP-ACCEPT header of
> > text/html, it will send down the Mobile HTML theme otherwise it will
> > send down the WML theme.... i've submitted a patch to SVN/Trac that
> > fixes the case where the mobile device submits a HTTP-ACCEPT of */* so
> > doesn't get sent the html, when it should.
> > >
> > > Am I making any sense?
> >
> > Does this help at all ? [disclaimer: this understanding has come from
> > taking apart the code in SVN, I may be wrong, I didn't write it :) ]
Hmm, apparently I wasn't that clear, there is already a mobile-html
theme [I believe] that looks great on my phone, (which happens to
support both html + wml anyway) layout wise I think its pretty close
to the wml theme.  So you should be able to start with the php that
generates that and convert it to generate C-Html (since you mentioned
i-mode I assume thats what you really want?)

Unfortunately I've not got access to the code right now to check that
what I'm saying is true, but I think what I'm saying is correct,
hopefully someone who knows more than me can say for sure :)

- Ciaran
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