Great! Good to know someone is having success with this. Thanks for the response. That was my guess too.

Do you happen to know what firewire chipset the good cards use? I'd like to buy one that works. What does 'lspci' say about your firewire card?

On Oct 12, 2005, at 12:32 AM, Jarod Wilson wrote:

On Oct 11, 2005, at 20:23, Curtis Stanford wrote:

Is anyone seriously using firewire input with a dct-6200 receiver reliably?

/me raises hand.

I just got mine working a few days ago and when it's working, it's great. However, more often than not, recordings come up short or the channel doesn't change. It hasn't made it through an hour long recording yet without the backend saying:

Firewire: No Input in 15 seconds [P:0 N:1] (select)

Then the recording stops. If anyone has any experience with this, I'd appreciate a pointer to the component that may be giving me problems. Is it the receiver, mythtv, linux, or my cheap firewire card?

My money would be on the firewire card. Your symptoms sound similar to those I saw with the onboard firewire on one of my systems. A different FireWire card (WD one bundled with a drive that I got ages ago) and the FW port on my Audigy sound cards all work great though (currently using the Audigy's port in production).

Jarod Wilson

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