> I may not be intelligent enough, however.  Currently I'm trying to
> determine which X11 dev library is needed to compile and then, how to get
> X working again once the lib is installed (X dies on reboot with this
> message repeated: agpgart: Unsupported NVIDIA chipset (device id: 02a5),
> you might want to try agp_try_unsupported=1 ).  Slow going.

I get that message once every time I start X up, and it works fine.  You
might have to look elsewhere for troubleshooting.

Also, for those of you trying to compile from source...I recall reading
somewhere that the compile will fail partway through because of the memory
contraints of the XBox, but that restarting compilation will work.  I
don't have the details handy, but IIRC it was in a thread somewhere that
people were using Gentoo (not Gentoox) and trying to compile.

Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I thought I'd throw in what little info
I've got.

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