On 10/13/05, Joe Votour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've recorded three SD streams off of analog cable
using a PVR-350 and a PVR-500, while watching a fourth
(or sometimes one of the three).  The CPU usage for
the recording is very low because of the hardware
MPEG-2 encoders in the capture cards.  No loss in
stream quality.

The question that you ask is very vague, because you
don't mention what capture hardware you have.  An
analog BT8x8 card is much more CPU intensive than a
PVR-x50, for instance.

I don't think that you can capture an HD stream
(though I may be wrong on this).  There are no HD
capture cards that I'm aware of (the bandwidth for HD
is insanely huge), and the set-top boxes that support
Firewire output downsample the output (how far, I
don't know).



> My apologies if this has been asked and answered
> already, but I searched
> the archives and couldn't find the answer.
> What is the most number of streams anyone on the
> list has simultaneously
> recorded without problem?  I assume recording 2
> streams while watching a
> third has been done, but has it been done with no
> loss in quality, etc?
> How about 3 streams?  HD + an analog stream?  I'd
> like to get an idea of
> what my limitations and potentials are before I get
> too deep in my
> current project.
> Andy

I think what might be more of concern here is how much you can write to disk before your buffers overflow.

Devan Lippman <devan at lippman dot net>
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