Oops, I've learnt that the back button in my webmail is not good, here's
what I meant to post....

>>A wild stab in the dark, but could it be anything to do with TS and/or
>>PS? You haven't changed your recording card to use on or the other
>>have you?  I am not sure how that could affect it though, but it was
>>the first thing to come to my head :|

this is definitely a strong candidate, PS recording is deprecated, because
it's flakey. You should change all your capturecards to use TS regardless.
You can do this quickly int the DB with

update capturecard set dvb_recordts=1

> I've no idea what it does - but am pretty sure that I haven't changed
> the setting. If it was something like that then I could expect all new
> recordings to have the same problem, couldn't I. whereas it is just the
> occasional recording that i have trouble with. I had one recording where

Not necessarily, there are lots of variations in each stream dependent on
content. Is it always the same program that causes trouble? e.g. I had a
lot of trouble recording Law & Order: Criminal Intent on five in the UK
until I changed this setting.

One last thing, have you checked your aerial is still pointing where you
expect? :-)


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