Nick Rout wrote:

I have read bits of this thread, not all of it. However I seem to recall 
similar problems a while back being solved by fixing the audio - ie it
was an audio problem. When the audio driver/hardware couldn't keep up
the system would freeze momentarily while something caught up. Sorry
thats not very technical, but hopefully you get the picture.

Can i suggest that you do a little trouble shooting instead of all this
complaining? I am not trying to criticise you, sometimes people don't
know how to help theselves. Seeing glitches in a playback is not a
description a software author can diagnose without more information.

I can appreciate that.

Can i suggest that you run mythfrontend from an xterm with logging
turned on. Watch for errors like audio overrun. If they seem to coincide with 
glitches in viewing take careful note.

Of course mythfrontend usually runs fuull screen and obscures the xterm
with the logging info. Personally I ssh in from another machine, then

export DISPLAY=:0

then run mythfrontend from the command line from the other machine. The
logging info appears on the machine you are sitting at, the mythfrontend 
complete with glitches runs on the other machine. Watch for the error
messages as the glitches happen.

Neat trick. I will attempt this if the other suggestion I received doesn't pan out. At the moment, moving the TV card to a different interrupt looks very very promising... finger crossed.

thanks for your suggestion

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