
This is probably going to be one of those things
where I could have saved myself the trouble by
flipping a switch somewhere, but nevertheless I
couldn't figure out any other way to make it work,

I wrote a short shell script wrapper for dvdrecord
today. It basically sits between the user's shell
and the dvdrecord binary and translates the 'dev=X.X.X'
argument into 'dev=ATA:X.X.X' so that:

1.) MythMusic 1.18.1 can see IDE/ATA burners
    on 2.6.x kernels via --scanbus WITHOUT
    ide-scsi (because ide-scsi is unusable in
    2.6.11 - 2.6.13, AFAIK.) In order to see the
    IDE devices you need to pass the argument
    "dev=ATA", like so:
      cdrecord dev=ATA --scanbus
2.) MythMusic 1.18.1 can write ISO images using
    `cdrecord` under the same kernels. This involves
    rewriting the dev argument, so this:
      cdrecord -v dev= 1,0,0 blah blah
    becomes this:
      cdrecord -v dev=ATA:1,0,0 blah blah

Seems to work OK here, and eliminates the need to
patch and recompile MythMusic.

Again, this is just if you are running a >=2.6.11
kernel where ide-scsi has been obsoleted. I'm running
Gentoo, but I think this applies to KnoppMyth R5A16
users too.

Also, I'm using a DVD burner to record CD-Rs. I'm not
sure if this script works or is necessary for normal
CD-R burners.

I have the following software installed:
If you're running something else then it might work,
but might not.

To install, do something like this:

1.) run this:
`which cdrecord`

2.) If cdrecord is a symlink to dvdrecord, make a note
of dvdrecord's location and delete the symlink. If
it's a binary, and you don't have a binary named
dvdrecord, but you're sure dvdrtools is installed,
then you'll probably need to rename cdrecord to

3.) save the cdrecord shell script (see attached)
on your system and move it to the location of where
the cdrecord symlink or binary used to be. (It's
usually /usr/bin/ I think)

4.) run this (substituting the actual path to the
cdrecord shell script from #3):
chmod 755 /path/to/cdrecord

5.) Edit /path/to/cdrecord using nano or vi or whatever
and change the DVDRECORD="..." variable at the top to
point to your actual dvdrecord binary from #2.

That should be it. Now run `cdrecord --scanbus` and
see if your ATA burner shows up. If it does, do the
same as your mythtv user. If that works too, then you
should be able to choose your ATA burner from:

  Utilities/Setup -> Setup -> Media Settings -> Music Settings -> General 
Settings -> Next -> CD-Writer Device
(wow, that's long)

And you should be able to burn from:
  Media Library -> Listen to Music -> 3 -> Active Play Queue -> M -> Create MP3 
CD From Playlist
(almost as long)

Also, you should be able to check /tmp/cdrecord.log
to debug any further problems.

Hope that helps someone!

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin

Attachment: cdrecord
Description: application/shellscript

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