michel moalem wrote:

hi there all
i'm a complete linux newbie and have tried the knopmyth cd yesterday for the first time. I like what it offers but had some problems allready. However before i will start takling the problems i encountered running some of the options i would like to know if there is a way if running the mythtv box (either under this distro or another) so that it boots much quicker. I have tried GeeXBox as well and while it is short on many features compare to mythtv it is booting extremly quickly once installed on the HD (well quick enogh for my wife not to nag me about getting a dvd player instead...)
so please any advice?

Can I ask why booting fast is a requirement? Normally, I leave my machine running 24 hours a day, so it can record anything anytime. It's always ready to go when I need to use it.
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